TO INSTALL Multimedia Greeting Card Maker on your hard disk, you need to remove any previous versions of this program installed on your hard disk. If you have a shareware version or an older version you are replacing, delete all files, icons, and directories used by Multimedia Greeting Card Maker. Next, place the program disk in the appropriate drive. Run setup.exe file from Windows. You will be given the option of changing the default directory from C:\MMGCARDS to another name. However, please note that you must install the program on the same drive where you have Windows installed. For example: if you have a duel drive system with a C: and D: drive, and Windows is on the C: drive you cannot install Multimedia Greeting Card Maker on D: drive. You must use C: drive. You can change the name of the directory to some other name such as C:\GREETCRD or whatever you wish. When the installation process is finished, from the MM Card Maker program group select the Demo Card icon to see what you can create using this software. Pay close attention to the documentation so you can see what you need to do when running MGCM.